Paying it forward
Engagement and collaboration are part of our values. Giving back to the community to improve quality of life and help make a difference in the everyday lives of our employees and fellow citizens is a given.

Social Commitment
We’re committed to supporting projects that promote the growth of the local economy, the community’s well-being, and sustainable opportunities for the community as a whole. We also encourage our employees to volunteer in a variety of sports clubs, non-profit organizations and community activities that they care about.

Eligibility criteria:
To be eligible, the project or initiative must meet the following criteria:
- Benefits the community: the project or initiative must benefit a significant number of people in a local or regional community.
- Non-profit status: the requester must be a non-profit organization.
- Sector alignment: the project must include actions or support a cause related to one or more of Technosub’s priority sectors.
- Geographic location: the project or initiative must be in one of the communities where we operate.
We look forward to learning about inspiring projects that meet these criteria and make a real difference in our communities.
Exclusion criteria:
Community investment will not be granted to an organization or program that:
- does not meet the specific criteria of the selected preferred sectors
- only supports an individual or aims to carry out a personal project such as a single product, event or activity
- is affiliated with a political party, lobby group or religious organization
- submits an application that does not comply with the established procedure and/or requirements
These exclusion criteria are intended to ensure that Technosub’s community investments support initiatives that are fully in line with our mission to have a positive impact on the local and regional communities where we operate.
If you have any questions about our donations and sponsorships program, please contact our communications team at